Sunday, June 14, 2015


It’s stirrings… feelings and immediately you know
That something makes you different, and you pray it can’t show
& being different means you have something to hide
Hence the beginning a life of lies
Maybe you could sense it
For us it was the same, the day we stepped back
and realized just how we were different that day

& First hand, I can tell you, there is no lonelier time
Than when you realize you may be outcasted
Even brutalized in this life!
Punished and Questioned by the ones you love and adore
Minimized to a sinner, or a dyke, or a whore!
& This is the road we get to look forward to!
These are the things young gay teens fear

So, some of us shy away from family and friends
Some of us die on the inside
Wishing it all would just end!
Some find the strength & courage
To not only live but thrive
& Out of fear and loneliness
Some of us even take our own lives

So, will you listen to my story?
Because I am living proof
This is a fight for human rights
& you should be angry too!
Cause I’m not sure if you heard about it or if you even knew
Our country's foundation says
Life, love and happiness are for us ALL to pursue.

Lyric Lee

Monday, June 1, 2015


I am guilty.
Yet human at best
& Now, I sit at the mercy
Of your forgiveness

Can it be done?
Can we go on?
Can we stay strong?
Past the accusations of right 
..... & of wrong?

Now only distant lovers
With broken dreams
Trapped in a melodrama
Where things are never as they seem
& this time I'm to blame

This time the guilt is my shame
So I lay in the ruins 
Looking over the mess
Holding my breath knowing
I'll die waiting for your forgiveness

But don't dare judge me
As I stand here with my mistakes
Naked to you, tears of shame on my face
I'm here in humility baring the guilt that's inside 
Hoping to be absolved not cower behind my pride.

LyricLee 2009